
Story of my life…


Having one child 

makes you a parent; 

having two 

you are a referee. 


Pappa:  Amma I think you made a mistake there

Having one child 

makes you a parent; 

having two 

makes you realise your first child’s the best


This should be the correct version^^

A riddle 

Riddle from Thambi

1. I have 5 million eyes, 5 thousand hands and 500 feet. Who am I?

Ans: I’m a liar

Another one…

Thambi and me were walking to his class and I was telling him about the greatness of ancient Indians, giving examples like Aryabhatta and zero…when he says, “yea mom, Indians are really great…they introduced curry to everyone!” 🙄

Thambi gems

Hubby: I have never seen a person who doesn’t like watermelon.

Tharun: Good for you, you can see one now…me


Went for Thambi’s PTM.
English Teacher: Very lively boy. Participates actively in class and is always eager to answer. Helps others and encourages them to read.
Tamil Teacher: Very quiet. A shy boy who answers in a word or two. Comes across as arrogant.

Same boy, same school,  same period of time,  but two entirely opposite views.

Thambi is very comfortable in English and has a wide vocabulary. But his Tamil is wanting. He can speak and understand Tamil. But his vocabulary is limited. As his Tamil Teacher had told the kids that they should speak only in Tamil during the Tamil class, he was restricted. As he doesn’t know all the words in Tamil and might have to use English words to complete a sentence,  he started replying in single words. I’ve explained to his teacher and hopefully she is able to bring him out in her class.

Tulip Mania


On a rainy day



Pappa to her daddy, “Daddy neenga romba koduthuvachirukanum”.
“yen da, ippo snow parkarathanalaiya?” (He is in Poland now)
“Yes that’s one reason and the main one is because you have a daughter like me!”


Yesterday I was preparing laddo for Diwali. Pappa was watching me for a while and then asked, “Mummy why dont you quit your job and become a chef?” Very pleased with myself and preparing to reply modestly, I asked her why she wanted me to do that.  And she said, “Mummy, if you become a chef and join some resturant like Ananda Bhavan you can learn to cook stuff like Naan, paneer 65 when you are working. Then you can come home and cook all those for us.”.

There’s no danger of bloated egos growing in our house!

Thambi’s doubt

I was taking Tambi to his soccer class. He suddenly had a serious doubt and asked me
” Mummy, why did you marry daddy?”
“because I love him kanna.”
“Because he looks smart?”
“hmm…yea, it’s one of the reasons.”
“Or is it because he has a car?”
“Well, he didnt have one when we married.”
“Oh, then you knew he would get a car!”

So it all boils down to a car at the end.